Gentle Giant’s Green Committee shares 5 simple steps they have incorporated into their daily lives to help protect the planet. We hope you will join us!
1) Bike more. Drive less.
Did you know that staying off the road two days a week (or more) will reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,590 pounds per year? Here are some tips on how to reduce your time driving on the road.
- Get yourself a bike and get cycling. Oftentimes, companies will have programs in place to incentivize employees to bike to work. If commuting by bike is feasible for you, enquire with your workplace about such programs.
- Gather a group and get carpooling. Your workplace may have a formal or informal carpool program in place. Ask around and see who’s commuting from your neighborhood.
2) Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Waste is unavoidable. From the food we eat daily to the materials we use at work or school, the production of waste is part of human activity. However, there are ways we can make a difference by responsibly managing the waste we produce. The three R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle – are three approaches to help minimize the effect our waste has on the environment.
- Reduce. A couple of simple activities that you can incorporate into your daily life include using a reusable cup for beverages on the go and avoiding single-use food and drink containers.
- Reuse. Next time you grocery shop, bring a reusable bag with you and avoid using the plastic bags distributed in stores. When it comes to your spring clean, we recommend donating items that are still in good condition to charity shops.
- Recycle. Recycling properly can have a major impact on reducing your daily waste production. However, it is a highly localized process. What you can recycle and where you can send materials to can vary greatly depending on your location. Visit How2Recycle to see what’s accepted in your area.
3) Pick up as you go.
Have you ever been out for a Sunday stroll and noticed soda cans, plastic water bottles, and more strewn along the sidewalks or dumped in bushes? It can be pretty frustrating to see such little care given to the neighborhoods we live in. If you want to take action, why not:
- Bring a bin bag and gloves with you on your next walk and collect some of the trash. But be sure to dispose of the items responsibly!
- Reach out to a member of your local council and urge them to take action.
4) Use energy-efficient lightbulbs.
On average, energy-efficient lightbulbs last up to 12 times as long as traditional bulbs, using less electricity to emit the same amount of light as a traditional bulb. By choosing an energy-efficient option, you can effectively reduce the carbon footprint of your home.
5) Volunteer
Why not incorporate some social fun into your green efforts by volunteering for events like clean-ups in your community? Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and make a difference, and there’s no shortage of options. Check out VolunteerMatch to discover what’s happening in your neighborhood!
Are you looking for more inspiration? Check out our Green Moving Company page to learn about Gentle Giant’s initiatives to go green!