Allston Piano Marks One Year with the Gentle Giant Family

Allston Piano Marks One Year with the Gentle Giant Family

Allston Piano’s top salesperson Peter Heidkamp sent out this note this morning to acknowledge the 1 Year Anniversary of Gentle Giant’s acquisition of Allston Piano:

“Today Allston Piano marks its first year as part of the Gentle Giant family. Bob Franklin and Joe Arena are now familiar faces and trusted associates. Bob has spearheaded the transition of Allston Piano from an independent piano mover to a valued part of a multi-service moving company. He has worked diligently to integrate his vision of a great piano moving company: bringing to us unique piano moving methods, custom piano trucks, logos, numerous accounts and contacts, and knowledge of all-things-piano. He is now a regular asset to the local sales team, available for piano access reviews on all Gentle Giant jobs. Joe is indispensably hands-on within operations, sales, equipment, and everything else that needs to be done.

Pat Andrus is the bulwark of Allston Piano, juggling on average five pianos a day with excellence and flair, five to six days a week. Recently, he has managed eight men and moved 20+ grand and upright pianos. Pat is looking to groom other piano crew chiefs, so he can regularly run two crews a day and spend time in the office developing the business.”

First Year By The Numbers

Moves completed: 581

Pianos moved: 673

Most expensive piano moved: Steinway “Walden Woods”, north of $500,000

Check out this amazing music video with footage of the Allston Piano crew powering a 9′ Grand Piano out of a Boston College Library.
