How Gentle Giant Uses Humor on the Job

By: Gentle Giant On: Feb 21, 2012 Posted In: Fun Times

How Gentle Giant Uses Humor on the Job

Humor is an essential part of the Gentle Giant company culture. We move thousands of people each year, and most of them would consider moving to be one of the most stressful times in their lives. The Giants we send out to the jobs are equipped with extensive training and strength, but they also have a sense of humor that can convert a stressful day into a fun, memorable one.

By being effortlessly light-hearted and funny, the Giants keep our customers laughing and at ease, allowing us to focus on the job at hand. A strong sense of humor also goes a long way in keeping the crew’s morale high. Moving furniture all day can be a grueling task, but having crews that make each other laugh keeps their minds sharp while their bodies do the heavy lifting.

In every department, both on the trucks and in the office, a sense of humor goes a long way. Our customer service representatives use their sharp wit to calm upset customers and resolve their claims. Our sales people stay light-hearted in order to take stress off of customers as they begin their moving journey. Our Marketing and PR department uses humor to connect with the communities we work in to help promote our brand of competent, amiable professionals. And our HR department looks for humor in the job applicants they interview so that they can continue adding to the rich, very funny culture we have here at Gentle Giant.